Monday, October 22, 2007

Back to the Grind

While I did spend a lot of Fall Break actually working on school assignments, I did find time to go shopping with the family, sleep late, visit with some friends and veg out in front of the t.v. a time or two.

I am a little ahead on my online biology assignments for now--I still have to read (or at least skim) 6 boring chapters, but I'm pretty satisfied with my progress.

All of this "trying to get ahead" business is due to two things: I have a very busy week (non-school events) and I have to have that blasted rough draft for my conference paper by Thursday!

This paper (this CLASS) is making me age prematurely, I tell ya. I spend countless hours online reading journal articles and reading thick books by my bedside trying to find decent material to cite in my paper....with very little results.

Tomorrow I am planning to skip a class and spend an hour and a half in the library doing research. Thank heavens for the nice reference librarian who pointed me to several specific books, even going so far as to give me page numbers to check out. BLESS HIM!

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