Tuesday, May 20, 2008

High School Flashback

I decided to swing by the university's website so that I could see my name in black and white on the President's Honor Roll list (you know, just in case I was delusional or something). At first I panicked because my name wasn't listed with the other students from our town (maybe I was delusional!), but as I scrolled through the list, I finally located it (whew! I'm not delusional after all). It was listed under the town where I graduated from high school....the town that I have only visited once in the past 10 years! That's so random. I guess it's the only way to keep up with people since addresses change so frequently.

I wonder if they sent a press release to my high school hometown newspaper. I'm sure the readers of the weekly newspaper would be wondering, "Who in the world is that?"

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