Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Don't Like To Be Wrong

Okay, so this isn't actually news for me. My nickname was "I Know" as a kid because whenever someone would start to explain something to me, I would interrupt with "I know...I know...." I'm a know-it-all smartie pants. I acknowledge this fault and embrace it. :)

Today, I was reminded just how much I hate to be wrong. I had three quizzes today. I actually prepared for two of them (except the second half of one which was unannounced and covering random current events). I failed to make 100% on any of these quizzes...and it bothers me to no end.

It doesn't matter that they were only worth a mere 10 points or so. It doesn't matter that no one made 100% in one of those classes. It doesn't matter that I was unaware of a reading assignment (as was half of my class) and went in completely unprepared. All that matters is that I didn't make 100%! I literally cringed each time I realized that I had missed a question. Likewise, I felt like jumping out of my seat & pumping my arms in celebration each time I answered correctly.

Why am I such a perfectionist? I swear, it's going to kill me someday. Man, it's tough being a know-it-all smartie pants.

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