Saturday, January 3, 2009

Question Suggestions

Plenty of well-meaning folks who just want to congratulate me on my graduation and really don't know what else to say have been regurgitating the same blasted question: "What are you planning to do now?"

I don't know, already!!

First, I'm pretty agitated with myself that I don't know; I'm a "planner" and this is totally unlike me. Secondly, I'm actually in constant stress over this issue. Between racing thoughts and/or waves of sadness, I'm really struggling with big questions like, "What do I want to do?" and "Where do you see yourself in ten years?" or "What's most important in life."

So, yes--many thanks for all the well-wishers who are making me aware of my current state of limbo.

Maybe I should simply suggest a few new questions to ask me. How about:

1) Where did you get that lovely sweater? (What sweater?)
2) Are you enjoying this wonderful winter weather? (Absolutely not.)
3)Boxers or briefs? (Um...not sure how to answer that one...)
4) Do you prefer fried chicken or grilled chicken? (Fried, but we try to eat low carb meals.)
5) Are you excited that LOST will be back on January 21? (YES!!!!)
6) Why did the chicken cross the road? (To get to the other side. Really. True story.)
7) If a train leaves Point A traveling north at 45 mph into a 25 mph wind, how long will it take to reach Point B, 192 miles northeast of Point A? (I dunno...I haven't had a math class in ages and I wasn't any good back then, either!)
8) Are you going to enjoy not having to drive 120 miles to school each day? (Yes, very much. Thanks for asking.)
9) Would you like to use my vacation home in Hawaii for a couple of weeks, rent-free? (HECK YEAH!!! When can I leave?)
10) Junior Mints are quite refreshing, aren't they? (Yes, they really are.)

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