Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Do Unto Others

Professors are busy folk--I get that. Many times, they don't have time to answer everyone's e-mails in a timely manner...probably because they are swamped! That's why students should try to take care of one another. Lately, I've had more of my questions answered by friends and random co-students than I have by instructors. I'm always so thankful when someone takes the time to reply to an e-mail or share a informative link or give insight on a project.

The best advice I can give on taking online courses is to live by the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Take time to reply to an e-mail if you have the answer. Encourage a fellow student who seems to be overwhelmed. Direct someone to a good resource online or in a textbook. "Live" education is all about sharing ideas and online learning should be no different.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more as this is the same motto that I try to live by. I actively do all those things that you mentioned because I believe in helping others as well as them helping me when I need it. Sometimes it can be a bit challenging to try to catch the attention of a busy professor, but many times I get help from other students before the professor gets around to addressing the issue or question. Thanks for sharing this information as I think it will be helpful for others to use in the midst of their online experiences.
