Thursday, September 11, 2008

Campus Organizations

The one thing that I feel like I missed out on by side-stepping college in my younger days was campus organizations. Actually, I was involved in at least one back in the day (it was a pretty cool one--we booked concerts on campus and dealt with the behind-the-scenes stuff) but there were so many other great opportunities that I missed out on. Many students probably don't understand the potential that organizations have for networking and contacts as well as once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that could impact their careers down the road.

Yesterday, I decided to hang around for the first meeting of our department's campus club. I'll admit, I felt out of my element as a "grown up" joining a campus club, but I tried my best to get over those feelings because I really want to be a part of some of the activities that this club usually plans. Last year, I missed out on a chance to visit a radio station, a television studio and a major (really major) advertising agency.

Many people promote being a part of campus organizations for the resume boosting potential. Personally, I don't think this applies quite as much to the adult student because employers are more interested in your work history and job skills set than whether you were a Delta Delta Gamma or sold plants for the Biology Club. But it definitely can't hurt.

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